Review Funnel
In this day and age, your company must have an edge over the competition. Having more positive intended review traffic is vital. Most of the traffic that visits online review sites have negative intentions. Think of it from a customer perspective. If you had a positive experience with a company, the odds of you going out of your way to post a positive review would be very minimal. If you had a negative experience though, that angry customer will move mountains and go out of their way to smear your good name on any and every review site.
Our review funnel is a propriety solution to ensure that the intended reviews moving forward are mostly positive. How our review funnel work is quite simple. You send a link to your customers, asking them to “rate their experience.” If the customer clicks thumbs up, they’ll be directed to one of your review sites. In the event your customer clicks thumbs down, they’ll be directed to a complaint form that when submitted, will only go to your email (preventing the negative review from going public).
To see a live demo of the review funnel, click here.
Filter Reviews Moving Forward
Our Review Funnel
Put the odds back in your favor moving forward
Our review funnel will enure that intended reviews moving forward are for the most part, positive. Our review funnel can be delivered to your customer through our email or text messaging delivery options found within our dashboard. Get started today!